This pocket-sized paperback is one of the twenty-two titles published for 2015 Hong Kong International Poetry Nights. The theme of IPHHK2015 is “Poetry and Conflict”. 21 international poets from 18 different places are invited to participate in recitations, symposia and sharing sessions of the Poetry Nights. A recitation focusing on 10 local Hong Kong poets, “Hong Kong Cantonese Poetry Night” is included. This collection seeks to make accessible the best of contemporary international poetry with outstanding translations.
創造者的眼睛 6 Creators’ Eyes 第三岸 8 The Third Bank 蝴蝶拍翼 12 A Butterfly Beats Its Wings 美人魚 22 The Little Mermaid 行為藝術 26 Performance Art 皇帝的新衣 30 The Emperor’s New Clothes 石子投進湖裏 32 A Stone Thrown in a Lake 逝水刻舟 34 Nock the Gunwale to Mark the Current 長者獨居 38 The Elder Lives Alone 陰謀不沾染的世界 40 A World Uninfected by Conspiracy 一首母親瑪利亞賴斯小姐之歌 42 A Song by Miss Mary Rice 小花女 46 Pretty Poppet
作者簡介 飲江 原名劉以正,70年代開始新詩創作,曾獲「香港青年文學獎」、「工人文學獎」、「職青文藝獎」及「香港中文文學獎」等詩歌創作獎項。1987年與朋友創辦《九分壹》詩刊,並參與早期編輯工作。其詩集《於是你沿街看節日的燈飾》於1997年出版,並獲「香港中文文學雙年獎」。2010年出版另一個較完整的詩集《於是搬石你沿街看節日的燈飾》,收錄有130多首詩。 Lau Yee-ching started to write poetry in the 1970s. He has received the Hong Kong Youth Literature Award, Workers’ Literature Award, and the Hong Kong Biennial Award for Chinese Literature. His book of poems, And So You Look at the Festive Lights along the Street (1997), won the Hong Kong Biennial Award for Chinese Literature. In 2010, he published a more complete edition of this book, And So, Roll the Stone, You Look at the Festive Lights along the Street, which is a collection of more than 130 poems.