《紋身師》是收藏於《WORDS & THE WORLD詞與世界》盒裝叢書裡,此叢書由二十本袖珍版詩選組成,分別收錄來自二十位國際著名詩人的精選作品。
西爾克.朔伊爾曼 Silke Scheuermann
Silke Scheuermann (Germany) was born in 1973, Silke Scheuermann lives in Offenbach. She studied Drama and Literature in Frankfurt, Leipzig and Paris. Her poems, short stories and novels have been translated into various languages and have been awarded with numerous grants and awards. She received the prestigious Leonce-und-Lena-Preis in 2001 for her debut collection Der Tag an dem die Mowen zweistimmig sangen (The Day on which the Sea Gulls Sang in Two Parts). She was quickly recognised as the promising talent of the young generation of German writers. Alongside her collections of poetry Der zartlichste Punkt im All (The Most Tender Place in the Universe) in 2004 and Uber Nacht ist es Winter (Winter has Come Overnight) in 2007, she has also published the collection of short stories Reiche Madchen (Rich Girls, 2005), the much-praised novel Die Stunde zwischen Hund und Wolf (The Hour between Dog and Wolf, 2007) and the more recent novel Shanghai Performance in 2011.
西爾克.朔伊爾曼生於1973年,現居於德國奧芬巴赫市。曾於法蘭克福、萊比錫及巴黎修讀戲劇與文學。她的詩歌、短篇小說和長篇小說曾被翻譯成多國語言,並曾獲得多個獎項和獎金。2001 年她的處女專輯《海鷗二重唱的一天》榮獲享負盛名的雷昂斯.雷納獎(Leonce-und-Lena-Preis),她亦迅速被喻為德國年輕一代作家中最具潛質的新秀。除了2004 年出版的《宇宙間最溫柔之處》和2007年的《冬季一夜之間降臨》兩本詩集外,朔伊爾曼的作品還包括短篇小說集《富有的姑娘》(2005)、備受推崇的《陪伴狗和狼的時刻》(2007)和最新的作品《行為上海》(2011)兩部長篇小說。
1. Traumende Bucher 夢幻書 Dreaming Books2. Distanz und ein bestimmtes Licht 距離和一種光亮 Distance and a certain light3. Der Tatowierer 紋身師 The Tattoo Artist4. Der Tatowierte 刺青之人 The Tattooed5. Der Wolf oder Die Wege des Bosen kreuzten sich diesmal im Stadtpark 狼 或 城市花園裡交叉的 惡之小徑 The Wolf or The Paths of Evil Crossed in the City Park this Time6. Diesseits ist heut' ein Spaziergang im Schnee 這邊 今日 踏雪去The Here and Now is Today a Walk in the Snow