■沒有困難的生字片語,全部都是中學就學過的英語 ■舉出國人最容易犯的英語錯誤,告訴您最正確的說法 ■運用在美生活三十年經驗,專業解析中英文化的差異,以及兩國語言習慣不同處 <使用方法> ■AB對話二人組,中英對譯;對話情境、全文語意立即掌握 ■美籍老師專業錄音,跟著唸,發音標準、道地,一學就會! ■本書完整搜羅各種實用對話、例句,一本在手,開口無障礙! 搭配隨書附贈MP3,英語聽說實力,瞬間UP! UP! 本書特色 1. 全部都是中學就學過的英語:30秒通通都記住。 2. 從會話到單字:老外天天說的話,速學速成。 3. 附贈專業美籍播音員錄製MP3:跟著英語老師學正確音調,輕輕鬆鬆學會說英語。
前言 用最短的時間,學會最道地的英語 1.salary / paycheck 2.part-time / full-time 3.work / job 4.office / work 5.work on / work for 6.colleague / co-worker 7.out of town on business 8.vacation / holiday 9.long weekend 10.take a sick leave / take a day off 11.sick / ill 12.feel well / in good health 13.catch a cold / had a cold 14.doctor’s office / hospital 15.get a check-up / check into the hospital 16.college / university 17.grade / year 18.freshman 19.score / grade 20.score / point 21.place / prize 22.grade school / elementary school 23.secondary school / high school 24.multiple choice questions 25.pop quiz / test / exam 26.transcript / report card 27.major / take 28.co-ed / girls’ school / boys’ school 29.orientation / freshman party 30.diploma / certificate 31.commencement / graduation ceremony 32.alumnus / alumni association / alma mater 33.PTA / teacher conference 34.classmate / someone in my class 35.flunk / pass / fail 36.no school / have school 37.field day / sports day 38.golf course / tennis court 39.field trip / tour 40.finish / be done 41.be over / end 42.fun / funny 43.close call / emergency 44.keep / raise / grow 45.send / deliver 46.telephone / call 47.learn / study 48.bargain / good deal 49.sale / on sale / for sale 50.sold out / booked up 51.cheers / toast / bottoms up 52.treat / go Dutch 53.liquor / drink 54.dry town 55.formal / casual 56.formal/official 57.cleaners / laundromat / laundry room 58.the point / What do you mean? 59.fix 60.wash the dishes 61.water the plants 62.in my day / in those days 63.album / CD / tape 64.album 65.tape 66.in the morning / in an hour 67.near-sighted / far-sighted / / vision 68.power / prescription 69.glasses / contacts 70.answer the phone / answer the door 71.drive-in / drive-thru 72.lose weight / overweight 73.How much do you weigh? 74.gain weight / put on weight 75.How tall are you? 76.She is tall. / She is short. 77.ride / drive 78.be held / be on 79.dance / ball 80.be impressed / impress someone 81.prep school / trade school 82.cram school / crash course 83.It’s getting late. / It’s dark. / It’s still bright.
作者簡介 張瑪麗 ■台大高材生、留美教育學碩士 ■曾任明星高中英文老師,補教名師 ■移民美國30年,熱心於輔導留美學生論文寫作 ■和移民美國人士的生活經驗傳承和交流。 ■目前專心於英語學習教材、多媒體教育研究和寫作。 ■每一本教材對有心學好英語者和移民者和留學生,都有很大幫助。