Live a life of ease and freedom, on the basis of peace and solidity,with the principle of being less agitated and affected. Many masters in the history of Chinese Chan Buddhism emphasized practice as daily living. Whether monastic or lay, a follower uses the concepts and methods of Chan in daily life. By doing so, one experiences calmness and ease while being spontaneous and lively amidst mundane reality. Chan is not a religion, not a philosophy, and surely not mysterious or weird sorcery. It is the wisdom of living, the cultivation of body and mind, and a principle and guideline for spiritual development. It is also the best method for influencing and purifying the environment.
Preface vii Enlightenment and the Practice of Chan 1 Chan Studies and the Correct Buddhist Teachings 15 The Methods of Practice of Chan and Pure Land 23 Chan and Mental Health 33 Chan and Modern Life 43 Chan and Spiritual Environmentalism 53 Chan Practice and the Environmental Life 65 Religion, Chan, Buddhadharma and “Evil Demons” 69 No-Self and True-Self 71 No Rise of Wandering Thoughts, No Rejection of Phenomena 83 Wandering Thoughts, Scattered Thoughts, and Mindfulness 87 Awakening to the Mind and Seeing the Nature 93 Mind in Buddhism and Chan 101 Ordinary Mind 111 The Mind is Like the Sun Shining in Empty Space 119 Zero Faults 131 From Existence to Emptiness and from Emptiness to Existence 137 The Power and Function of Group Practice 143 The Attitude for Practicing Chan 147 Chan for Ordinary People 155 The Principle of Chan Meditation Practice 163
作者簡介 聖嚴法師Master Sheng Yen(1930〜2009年) Master Sheng Yen was born in 1930 and became a monk in 1943. He conducted a six-year solitary retreat, after which he went to Japan for further study and obtained a doctorate in Buddhist literature at Rissho University. In 1975, he began sharing the Dharma in the US, and in 1989, founded the Dharma Drum Mountain organization. In 2005, he established the Dharma Drum Lineage of Chan Buddhism, as an effort to reinvent Chinese Buddhism. He authored more than 100 publications in Chinese, English, and Japanese, and received the Sun Yat-sen Art and Literary Award, the Sun Yat-sen Academic Award, and the Presidential Cultural Award, among other honorary awards. He proposed the vision of “uplifting the character of humanity and building a pure land on earth,” founded the Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies, Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts, and Dharma Drum Sangha University. Experienced in Chan using correct approaches, he guided practice in both the West and East. Popularizing the Dharma in modern language, the Master initiated movements including Protecting the Spiritual Environment, Four Kinds of Environmentalism, the Fivefold Spiritual Renaissance Campaign, and the Six Ethics of the Mind. He shared the Dharma globally with a broadminded perspective, winning him worldwide recognition. 聖嚴法師1930年生於江蘇南通,1943年於狼山出家,後因戰亂投身軍旅,十年後再次披剃出家。曾於高雄美濃閉關六年,隨後留學日本,獲立正大學文學博士學位。1975年應邀赴美弘法。1989年創建法鼓山,並於2005年開創繼起漢傳禪佛教的「中華禪法鼓宗」。 聖嚴法師是一位思想家、作家暨國際知名禪師,曾獲臺灣《天下》雜誌遴選為「四百年來臺灣最具影響力的五十位人士」之一。著作豐富,中、英、日文著作達百餘種,先後獲頒中山文藝獎、中山學術獎、總統文化獎及社會各界的諸多獎項。 聖嚴法師提出「提昇人的品質,建設人間淨土」的理念,主張以大學院、大普化、大關懷三大教育推動全面教育,相繼創辦中華佛學研究所、法鼓文理學院、僧伽大學等院校,也以豐富的禪修經驗、正信的佛法觀念和方法指導東、西方人士修行。 法師著重以現代人的語言和觀點普傳佛法,陸續提出「心靈環保」、「四種環保」、「心五四運動」、「心六倫」等社會運動,並積極推展國際弘化工作,參與國際性會談,促進宗教交流,提倡建立全球性倫理,致力世界和平。其寬闊胸襟與國際化視野,深獲海內外肯定。