"The Reverend Cheng Kuan (1947—)
An ordained Chinese Buddhist monk, teacher, translator, Buddhist Sutra Com-mentator, Tai-Chi Chuan teacher, Univ. Fellow at TCU Graduate School, B.A. in
Lecturer and Executive Secretary, Buddhist Association of Dallas, Texas (1983-84)
Resident and Teacher, Lanka Buddhist Association, Dallas, Texas (1987-88)
Tai-Chi Chuan Teacher,Chuang Yen Monastery, Carmel, New York (1988-89)
Guest Lecturer to Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston (1988)
Three Years’ Buddhist Retreat (March, 1984-May, 1987)
Buddhist Canon Teacher, Chuang Yen Monastery (Carmel, N.Y.) and Temple of En-lightenment (Bronx, N.Y.)
Sutra Translator, Institute of Advanced Studies of World Religions
Master Teacher, Pu Hsien Buddhist Association, Boston
Master Teacher, Miami Buddhist Association
The Strategic Principles of the U.S. Psychological Warfare. (A transl. Publ. Ministry of R.O.C., 1974)
Persuasion: How Opinions and Attitude are Influenced and Changed. (A transl.
Publ. Buffalo, Taipei, 1979)
A Commentary on Lankavatara Sutra. (Mahayana Vihara, Taipei 1990)
The Writings of Kalu Rinpoche. (Being Publ. in installments by The Tse-Yuen Magazine, Taipei 1990)"