WEEK 1 1. On Behalf of 2. What Am I Supposed to Do 3. Speaking of Which 4. As Opposed to 5. I’m Not in A Position to… 6. If…/Whether or Not… 7. Speaking in Terms of… WEEK 2 1. Do You Mind… 2. Given the Importance of… 3. Due to Unforeseen Circumstances, … 4. Given the Circumstances… 5. Such Is the Complexity of the Issue That… 6. If You Don’t Mind… 7. You Can Rest Assured That… WEEK 3 1. It Goes Without Saying… 2. In Lieu of… 3. Come Up with 4. You Don’t Want to Do That! 5. He Can’t Help Himself… 6. You May Want to… 7. Having Said That… WEEK 4 1. The Bottom Line Is… 2. All Things Being Equal… 3. Tell Me About It! 4. To Put Sth. Into Perspective 5. I Don’t Buy It! 6. It Doesn’t Hurt to… 7. How Do You Find…? WEEK 5 1. In My Defense, … 2. Let’s Get Down to Business… 3. Correct Me If I’m Wrong… 4. Run the Risk of… 5. As Per… 6. See Where I’m Coming From? 7. No Doubt About That! WEEK 6 1. Let’s Say… 2. In the First Place… 3. An Opportunity Presents Itself… 4. Refresh Someone's Memory 5. Bring to Someone’s Attention 6. For That Matter 7. Your Point Is Taken WEEK 7 1. Hardly vs. Barely 2. Give Yourself Credit (for…) 3. By the Same Token 4. My Take on… 5. Gets Under One’s Skin 6. Keep One's Head Above Water 7-1. On the Grid 7-2. What's Getting You Down? WEEK 8 1. I Wonder If You Could Help Me… 2. Where Do You Stand (on...) 3. That Was a Bit Uncalled For 4. I’m Not at Liberty to… 5. Get Up on the Wrong Side of Bed 6. Out of Reach 7-1. It's Unlikely/Likely That… 7-2. Whichever Is the Case… WEEK 9 1. You Could Be Right, but… 2. Give It One’s Best Shot 3. Does It Ring a Bell? 4. As Far As Someone Is Concerned... 5. I've Not Given It Much Thought... 6. The Odds Are… 7-1. I Would Go for… 7-2. I'm Afraid That's Not Quite Right WEEK 10 (Sports Week) 1. Win by a Nose 2. Take a Rain Check 3. Field the Question/Field That 4. Deep/Shallow Bench 5. Playbook 6. Slam Dunk 7. Next Play
作者簡介 Teresa Chou 畢業於美國德州達拉斯大學企管碩士。有十五年在電腦資訊及智慧型手機的國際業務行銷實務經驗,曾派駐國外多年。 曾任職務:宏碁業務管理處長/倚天資訊國際業務行銷處長/上奇科技(新加坡分公司)東南亞行銷處長/美國優派國際澳洲分公司Country Manager/飛利浦亞太區業務經理