商品编号 |
600568021044 |
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NT350 |
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RM63.60 |
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出版日期 |
2025-01-22 |
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愛的呼喚 Love Calling 帶來幸福與平靜的療癒音符,讓愛甦醒最具自療力的音樂 Healing musical notes that create moments of happiness and peace. Best energy self healing music rejuvenating love within 疼惜你的音樂 Love healing energy music 找回最美的你的愛的音符 Love musical notes find the beauty within you 紓壓/舒眠/自療 Releasing Stress/ Lullaby/Self Healing 悅翎音樂功效如下: The Harmony Kang’s music effects are as follows: 1. 啟發自癒力,有助身心靈恢復健康平衡. Helps the body, mind and soul to return to equilibrium. 2.專輯中若有某些曲子讓您感到難過.請持續重複聆聽,每天至少十五分鐘,ㄧ直聽到聽這首曲不再讓您感到難過爲止. 這音樂像是悲傷的橡皮擦,能隨著聆聽次數的增加,悲傷遞減至完全消失,另外對有痛苦卻哭不出的人,這音樂有助於釋出淚水痛苦恢復平衡. 這音樂釋放創傷的方式是讓你再經歷一次痛苦,那痛苦就釋放了. If there are certain songs on the album that makes you feel more emotional, please repeat the song continuously for at least fifteen minutes a day, listen to this song until it no longer stirs these emotions. This music is like an emotional eraser, which helps the body resolve its emotions the more you listen, the more the sorrow diminishes until it disappears. In addition, for those who have pain but can't cry, this music helps to release the pain of tears and restore balance. The way this music releases trauma is to let you experience another pain, which releases the pain. 3.深度放鬆效果 改善睡眠質量 Improve sleep quality and stress relieve. 4.以耳機聆聽或睡覺時聽效果最好,CD片效果最佳.改善半枯的花, 加速花開 For best results, please use ear sets or listen while you sleep using a CD. Improve fertility of plant lives, can restore plants and speeds up the blooming process. 5.若在聽完十五分鐘以上後 ,若仍感到悲傷,請接著聽其他悅翎專輯中輕鬆的音樂,直到心情恢復為止. If you still feel emotional after listening to fifteen minutes or more on the same day, please listen to the rest of the Harmony’s easy music until the emotion is restored. 6.若您聽過一段時間後,開始感覺不出效果,這是因這音樂已為您做了它所能做的釋放和平衡 每首曲子能調理的部分不同,這時建議聽悅翎的其他專輯,以繼續釋放和平衡。 推薦人 References: 周德愷博士 美國自然醫學會副總裁及遠東區執行董事 Dr. De Kai Chou Vice president of American Naturopathic Medical Association and Executive Director of Far East Region 呂應鐘博士 美國音樂院音樂治療研究所教授 Dr. Ying-Jong Leu Professor of American Conservatory of Music school of Music Therapy 陳維廉 喜悅健康診所院長 Dr. William Chen Dean of nuliv clinic 郭若蘭 臨床心理師/舞蹈治療師 Kuo Daphne Clinical psychologist and Dance therapist 悅翎簡介與願景 悅翎自設的靈魂程式,須由跨過靈魂的傷痛,看透人性中最黑暗面的弱點,經歷此最深而真實的感受,作出動人的音樂, 敞開人類最真實的恐懼—失去自我的方向或價值,會帶給人類如何的毀滅與破壞,如同人類如何毀滅我們生存的外在與心靈環境, 透過最傷痛的音樂性,喚醒人類最深層的無意識,以保存人類文明的財產與無上的精神智慧,可以為人類找到內在的方向和價值。 願景:愛的音符 撫慰孤單的靈魂 看見回家的路 康悅翎Harmony Kang 愛的療癒音樂作曲 全球和平聯盟和平大使、 美國自然醫學會台灣分會保健師、 Love healing energy composer Awarded the Ambassador of Peace by the Universal Peace Federation, Fitness and Health Pro of ANMA |
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