【代購】約翰.道蘭等人 - 在黑暗中透過光明 歌曲集 / 瑪麗娜.維奧蒂 女中音 / 弗呂基格 人聲,電吉他, 城邦阅读花园 - 马来西亚最大网路书店
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【代購】約翰.道蘭等人 - 在黑暗中透過光明 歌曲集 / 瑪麗娜.維奧蒂 女中音 / 弗呂基格 人聲,電吉他

Marina Viotti / John Downland ... - In Darkness Through the Light - Melankholia
商品编号 3700187686185
定价 NT709
售价 RM128.90
品牌 Naive Auvidis
出版日期 2024-10-11
库存量 已搶購一空目前無法購買
重量 0.5kg  空运直达费计算表

約翰.道蘭與近代作曲家: 在黑暗中透過光明  歌曲集 古典與流行的交流 / 瑪麗娜.維奧蒂 女中音 /文森.弗呂基格 人聲,電吉他 / 佛雷德.夏皮斯 吉他,打擊樂器,電子音樂合成器 / 夏綠蒂.斯科伊 橫笛

作曲家:  John Downland / Neil Young / Metallica / Trent Rezno / Bjork
演出者:  Vincent Fluckiger archlute, electric guitar / Charlotte Scohy transverse flute / Fred Chappuis guitar, moog synthesizers, percussion, electronics, mellotron Marina Viotti voice / Vincent Fluckiger voice

In December 2017, in Fribourg, mezzosoprano Marina Viotti met lutenist Vincent Fluckiger and multiinstrumentalist, engineer and producer Fred Chappuis. Under the guidance of director Wouter Van Looy, they created a fascinating show for performances at the Lucerne Theatre the following spring, which mixed the melancholic songs of John Dowland (1563-1626) with the sounds of electronic music. All three originally came from rock/metal/punk, and Wouter Van Looy would rekindle in each of them a profound desire to explore new horizons.

Following the success of the Lucerne evenings, the mezzo-soprano engaged her two colleagues, now friends, a few months later in the pursuit of a common adventure, which was sealed in the idea of Melankholia: Dowland's captivating songs would now be joined by well known pop songs rearranged in the same spirit, where the archlute or the modern electric guitar coexist with a Moog, percussion or a mellotron, enveloping the voice. Two eras speak to each other, and finally merge into each other.


fred chappuis born 1976
1 prelude 1'46
john dowland 1563–1626
the second book of songes (publ. 1600)
2 No. 5. Mourn, Mourn, Day is with Darkness Fled 0'55
Lyrics: Anonymous
john dowland
a pilgrimes solace (publ. 1612)
3 No. 7. Stay Time a While Thy Flying 2'48
Lyrics: Anonymous
neil young born 1945
4 old man 3'23
from the 1972 album Harvest
Lyrics: Neil Young
john dowland
 the third booke of songes (publ. 1603)
5 No. 1. Fairwell, Too Fair 3'47
U2 bono (paul david hewson) born 1960
adam clayton born 1960
the edge (david howell evans) born 1961
larry mullen jr. born 1961
6 one 4'33
from the 1991 album Achtung Baby
Lyrics: Bono
john dowland
the first booke of songes (publ. 1597)
7 No. 7. Dear, If You Change 3'45
Lyrics: Anonymous
james hetfield born 1963 / lars ulrich born 1963
8 nothing else matters 4'19
from the 1992 album Metallica. Black Album
Lyrics: James Hetfield
fred chappuis
9 intermede 1'49
john dowland
10 in darkness let me dwell 6'21
No. 11 from A Musicall Banquet (publ. 1610)
Lyrics: Anonymous
lana del rey (elizabeth woolridge grant) born 1985
justin parker
11 born to die 4'15
from the 2012 album Born to Die
Lyrics: Lana Del Rey
john dowland
 the second book of songes (publ. 1600)
12 No. 4. Die Not Before Thy Day 2'25
Lyrics: Anonymous
michael trent reznor born 1965
13 hurt 3'58john dowland
 the first booke of songes (publ. 1597)
14 No. 9. Go Crystal Tears 3'39
 Lyrics: Anonymous
 bjork (guomundsdottir) born 1965
15 joga 5'15
from the 1997 album Homogenic
Lyrics: Sjon (Sigurjon Birgir Sigurosson) born 1962
john dowland
the second book of songes (publ. 1600)
16 No. 2. Flow My Tears 5'18
Lyrics: Anonymous




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