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Bononcini: Cantate Per Contralto Con Violini / Ars Antiqua Austria & Gunar Letzbor |
商品编号 |
608917292527 |
定价 |
NT580 |
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RM105.50 |
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出版日期 |
2025-01-16 |
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這是Gunar Letzbor率領Ars Antiqua Austria在Challenge唱片公司所發行的第十四張專輯,收錄Antonio Maria Bononcini的三首作品.世界首度錄音發行! 由古納.列茲伯所指揮的奧地利古藝術合奏團是當今最著名的古樂團,這個成立於1995年的團體是為了演奏維也納在巴洛克時期的曲子而成立.這個團體一直致力於挖掘出許多被世人遺忘的作品,並以古樂器演奏來讓這些作品重現天日.從團體成立至今,奧地利古藝術合奏團的錄音一直被視為是發燒片的保證,以古樂器竟然能演奏出如以恢弘的質感,稱之為古樂天團一點也不為過. Under the rule of the enlightened Emperor Joseph I, many composers from the north of Italy took up appointments in Vienna. Antonio Bononcini was one of the most progressive composers of his time. We present here three cantatas by Bononcini from 1706. They were most probably first presented in musical academies. His amorous chamber cantatas captivate through their intimate, timeless beauty. The sensual violins engage in an entertaining competition with the longing, dreamy lines of the alto voice. The cantatas recorded here all concern themselves with the sorrows and longings of love for a distant partner. They seem to have been conceived as a cyclic construction in which each piece exists in relationship to the others. Bononcini was a master of musical rhetoric and achieves a masterly combination of musical figures with poetic phrasing. These sensuous works were most probably performed on the occasion of noble academies. From the turn of the century, musical presentations were often designated as academies. With this new definition, academies were little by little also presented by lesser nobles and later even by the bourgeoisie. 曲目: Antonio Maria Bononcini: Lontananza, Cantata in contralto con VV Tanto avezzo, Cantata con violini Sopra l´orme d´Irene, Cantata |
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