◆序言 利用心智圖,快速學好介系詞 ◆Chapter 1 基礎篇(非會不可的52個介系詞) ●about ●above ●across 【複習測驗】 ●after ●against ●along 【複習測驗】 ●among ●around ●before 【複習測驗】 ●behind ●below ●between 【複習測驗】 ●by ●down ●during 【複習測驗】 ●for ●from ●in 【複習測驗】 ●inside ●into ●near 【複習測驗】 ●of ●off ●on 【複習測驗】 ●outside ●over ●past 【複習測驗】 ●through ●to ●under ●up ●with 【複習測驗】 ◆Chapter 2 進階篇(最易混淆的介系詞組) ●ability at doing / ability with ●abound in / abound with ●above / over 【複習測驗】 ●accommodate to / accommodate with ●accompanied by / accompanied with ●across / over 【複習測驗】 ●across / through ●adapt for / adapt to ●advantage of / advantage over 【複習測驗】 ●agree in / agree on ●agree to / agree with ●among / between 【複習測驗】 ●at / in / on(地方) ●at / in / on(時間) ●balance against / balance on 【複習測驗】 ●bargain for / bargain with ●before / in front of ●bring into / bring to / bring with 【複習測驗】 ●convenient for / convenient to ●cure for / cure of ●deal in / deal with 【複習測驗】 ●decide about / decide against ●decide between / decide for ●decide in favor of / decide on3 【複習測驗】 ●demand for / demand of ●displeased at / displeased with ●distinguish between / distinguish by / distinguish from 【複習測驗】 ●during / for ●exchange for / exchange with ●faced with / face up to 【複習測驗】 ●familiar to / familiar with ●fear for / fear of ●fond of / fondness for 【複習測驗】 ●grateful for / grateful to ●hope for / hope of ●in the market / on the market 【複習測驗】 ●in / into ●increase in / increase over ●inside / inside of 【複習測驗】 ●integrate into / integrate with ●made by / made from / made of ●native of / native to 【複習測驗】 ●nominate for / nominate to ●occasion for / occasion of ●of note / noted for 【複習測驗】 ●opposite to / opposite of ●parallel to / parallel between / parallel with ●patient in / patient with 【複習測驗】 ●persevere against / persevere in ●persist against / persist in ●until / by 【複習測驗】 ◆附錄 ◆基礎介系詞圖解總整理.
作者簡介 張瑪麗 ■台大高材生、留美碩士 ■曾任明星高中英文老師 ■旅居美國,熱心輔導留美學生、和移民美國人士的生活經驗傳承和交流 ■致力於英語學習教材、研究和寫作 ■英語教材著作,是各大專院校和社區大學的指定教材 【暢銷著作】 ■最容易犯錯的英語 ■國中會考英語單字2000 ■可以馬上學會的超強生活美語 ■可以馬上學會的超強英語會話課