認識炸油 Choose the Right Oil for Deep-frying 炸得好吃秘訣 Tips for Braising Pork Ribs 炸的種類 Deep-frying Techniques 炸粉的功能 Why coat or crumb food for deep-frying?
9食材入鍋炸不脫漿、不脫糊的秘訣! How do you make the batter stay onto the ingredients?
10酥炸魚Crispy Fried Fish 魚要怎樣炸才酥脆? Techniques for frying fish.
12炸腐皮魚捲 Fried Fish Rolls 油炸腐皮捲的技巧! What are the techniques for frying fish rolls?
14酥炸魚肉堡Fish Fillet Sandwich 炸出漂亮魚片! How to fry fish fillets or slices?
16炸魚條Fried Fish Nuggets 麵糊不宜攪拌過度! Do not over-mix the batter
18炸明蝦Deep-fried Prawns 炸──油量一定要蓋過食材! Use sufficient oil for frying.
20椒鹽蝦Pepper Salt Prawns 蝦為什麼要分次炸透? When frying prawns, why do you need to dip them in oil over three times?
22甘蔗蝦Sugarcane Prawns 炸出100分,油溫、火候要注意! Heat control is crucial here!
24金錢蝦餅Golden Prawn Patties 炸出不油膩的蝦餅! How do you avoid the prawn patties from turning oily?
26香辣花枝Spicy Fried Squids 炸花枝要注意的事! Deep-fry squids briefly before stir-frying.
28脆皮軟殼蟹Deep-fried Soft Shell Crabs 螃蟹如何炸不脫漿? How do you make the batter stick on to the crabs?
30百花茄餅Deep-fried Stuffed Eggplants 如何炸茄子? How do you deep-fry eggplants?
32海苔豆腐 Deep-fried Tofu with Nori 豆腐就要這樣炸! How do you deep-fry tofu?
34椒鹽杏鮑菇Deep-fried Mushrooms with Garlic, Chilli and Pepper Salt Dressing 不一樣的美味! Different ways of deep-frying mushrooms.
36椒麻雞Fried Chicken with Spicy Fragrant Dressing 怎麼炸內熟外不焦? How do you fry ingredients that are not coated with flour or a batter?
38藍帶雞排Chicken Cordon Bleu 炸得不油膩有方法! How to prevent food from turning out oily?
40酥炸雞腿 Crispy Chicken Thigh with Pepper Salt 炸粉不宜沾得太厚! Do not use too much flour for coating.
42脆皮雞塊Crispy Chicken 厚的食材用深鍋炸一舉兩得! Use a deep pot or fry in batches.
44爆香雞翅Deep-fried Stuffed Chicken Wings 炸物最怕油花四濺! Drain food well to prevent oil from splattering.
46西式炸豬排Deep-fried Pork Chop 炸好的豬排不要馬上切! Rest the meat before cutting.
48椒鹽排骨Crispy Savoury Pork Ribs 為什麼要用地瓜粉? Why use sweet potato flour?
50香酥藕夾 Crispy Lotus Roots with Pork and Shrimps 如何炸不掉餡? How do you get the meat filling to stick on better?
52蝦醬肉排Pork Chop with Shrimp Paste 炸油量的黃金比例! How much oil do you need for deep-frying?
54三鮮春捲pring Rolls 低油溫炸出酥脆口感! Use low heat at the beginning for crispy results.
56咖哩薯球Curry Potato Croquettes 油炸時給炸物多一點空間! Do not overcrowd the pan.
58月亮蝦餅 Crispy Prawn Pancake 月亮蝦餅炸得好看的密訣! How do you fry prawn pancakes so that they stay in shape? |