4、市場常見的魚 The Commonly Available Fish
6、魚的基本處理和切法 Fish Preparation – Cleaning and Cutting
8、烹魚課室問與答 Q & A
10、泰式檸檬魚 Thai-style Lemon Fish
為什麼蒸魚汁要倒掉? Why must we drain away the liquid from steamed fish?
12、煎焗金目鱸 Pan-fried Sea Bass
一魚兩吃! Two different flavours and textures in one dish!
14、糖醋魚塊 Sweet and Sour Fish
糖醋醬的調配重點! Make sure you get the sweet and sour sauce right!
16、豆醬炒魚片 Stir-fried Fish with Taucheo
為什麼魚片要先過油/燙再炒? Why must we scald fish slices in oil/water before we stir-fry?
18、蒜烹比目魚 Garlic Flounder
魚煎後再烹煮,另有一番滋味! Pan-fry fish prior to braising for a wholesome and delicious dish.
20、咖喱粉魚條 Curry Flavoured Fish
炸魚條變化口味! Vary the seasonings in a number of delicious ways!
22、蔥燒魚 Fish Braised with Spring Onion
如何讓蔥燒魚更入味? How do you cook a flavourful braised fish dish?
24、吻仔魚煎蛋 Fried Egg Omelette with Whitebaits
煎蛋餅火候的控制! Control heat well when cooking an omelette.
26、豆豉炒魚球 Stir-fried Fish with Fermented Black Beans
魚肉要從肉朝皮切! When we cut fish fillet, slice the flesh skin side down!
28、潮州蒸魚 Teochew Steamed Fish
哪些魚適合用來做潮州蒸魚? Which fish are suitable for making Teochew steamed fish?
30、橙汁魚排 Fish with Orange Sauce
為什麼魚排沾麵包粉前,要先沾麵粉和蛋液? What is the correct sequence of crumbing fish?
32、魚香炒魚片 Stir-fried Fish in Spicy Sauce
哪些魚適合做炒魚片? Which fish are suitable for making stir-fried fish slices?
34、醬蒸松魚頭 Steamed Fish Head
蒸松魚的秘訣! What is the secret for steaming song fish head?
36、鱸魚義大利麵 Pasta with Sea Bass
煮好義大利麵的秘訣! How to cook pasta well?
38、古法蒸魚 Traditional-style Steamed Fish
什麼是古法蒸? What is the traditional style of steaming?
40、焗烤鮪魚塔 Baked Tuna Tarts
如何挑選新鮮的香菇? How to pick fresh mushrooms?
42、腐皮魚酥 Crispy Fish with Bean Curd Skin
魚肉不宜切得過細或過薄! Do not cut fish fillet too fine or thin!
44、魚頭豆腐煲 Braised Fish Head and Tofu
如何炸出外酥內嫩的豆腐? How to fry tofu so that it is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside?
46、蘿蔔乾蒸魚 Steamed Fish with Preserved Radish
蘿蔔乾是重要配角! Preserved radish is the vital ingredient in this dish!
48、酥炸魚條 Crispy Fried Fish
炸魚肉不脫糊的秘訣! Secret to making deep-fried fish without losing the coat of batter!
50、烤鰻魚 Grilled Eel
為什麼要預熱烤箱? Why is it necessary to preheat the oven for cooking?
52、香蔥烤三文魚(鮭魚) Baked Salmon with Spring Onion
用錫箔紙包裹烤魚的竅門! Tips to baking fish in aluminium foil!
54、三文魚(鮭魚)豆腐蒸蛋 Steamed Salmon with Tofu and Egg
輕鬆取出盒中豆腐! How do you remove tofu from its packaging without it breaking apart?
56、青木瓜鮮魚湯 Fish and Green Papaya Soup
為什麼魚要先煎再煮湯? Why pan-fry the fish prior to cooking in soups?
58、味噌豆腐魚湯 Miso Soup with Tofu and Fish
煮味噌湯的烹調重點! Important pointers when cooking miso soup. |