奈特圖解醫學全集(第6卷):骨骼肌肉系統(第2版)(英文影印版 上中下)
Many of Frank Netter's original illustrations have stood the test of time. His work depicting basic muscu-loskeletal anatomy and relevant surgical anatomy and exposures have remained unaltered in the current series. His illustradons demonstrated the principles of treatment or the manifestation of musculoskeletal diseases and were rendered in a manner that only a physician-artist could render.
This edition of musculoskeletal illustrations has been updated with modern text and our current under-standing of the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of a wide array of diseases and conditions. We have added new illustrations and radiographic and advanced imaging to supplement the original art. We expect that this series will prove to be useful to a wide spectrum of both students and teachers at every level.
Part I covers specific disorders of the upper limb including anatomy, trauma, and degenerative and acquired disorders. Part II covers these same areas in the lower limb and spine. Part III covers the basic science of the musculoskeletal system, metabolic bone disease,theumatologic diseases, musculoskeletal tumors, the sequelae of trauma, and congenital deformities.
The series is jointly produced by the clinical and research staff of the Orthopaedic and Rheumatologic Institute of the Cleveland Clinic and Elsevier. The editors thank each of the many talented contributors to this three-volu Frank Netter produced nearly 20,000 medical illus-trations spanning the entire field of medicine over a five-decade career. There is not a physician that has not used his work as part of his or her education. Many educators use his illustrations to teach others. One of the editors of this series had the privilege and honor to be an author of portions of the original "Green Book"of musculoskeletal medical illustrations as a junior faculty, and it is now a special honor to be part of this updated series. |
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PART I Upper Limb
SECTION 1 Shoulder
SECTION 2 Upper Arm and Elbow
SECTION 3 Forearm and Wrist
SECTION 4 Hand and Finger
PART II Spine and Lower Limb
SECTION 2 Pelvis, Hip, and Thigh
SECTION 4 Lower Leg
SECTION 5 Ankle and Foot
PART III Biology and Systemic Diseases
SECTION 1 Embryology
SECTION 2 Physiology
SECTION 3 Metabolic Disorders
SECTION 4 Congenital and Development Disorders
SECTION 5 Rheumatic Diseases
SECTION 6 Tumors of Musculoskeletal System
SECTION 7 Injury to Musculoskeletal System
SECTION 8 Soft Tissue Infections
SECTION 9 Fracture Complications |