關於雅思你一定要知道的事 / 本書使用方式 / 虛擬點讀筆使用方式 /編者序 PART 1 People and Family 人與家庭 PART 2 Health 健康 PART 3 Sports體育運動 PART 4 Students and Education學生與教育 PART 5 Travel and Tourism 旅遊與觀光 PART 6 Work 工作 PART 7 Transportation 交通運輸 PART 8 Social Issues社會議題 PART 9 Politics 政治 PART 10 Crime 犯罪 PART 11 Law 法律 PART 12 Finance and Economy 金融與經濟 PART 13 Science and Technology 科學與技術 PART 14 The Universe 宇宙 PART 15 Global Warming 全球暖化 PART 16 Animals and Plants 動物與植物 PART 17 Natural Hazards 自然災害 PART 18 Future Development 未來發展 PART 19 Culture 文化 PART 20 Arts 藝術 PART 21 Communication 通訊 PART 22 Entertainment 娛樂 ChatGPT雅思備戰指令
作者簡介 Robert A. Charbonneau 就讀於加拿大亞崗昆學院(Algonquin College),主修商業管理;擁有TESOL / TEFL教學證照。 聖心女中專任教師、啟英高級中學雅思及多益指導教師。 曾任知名美語補習班英語課程教學總監。 著有《用子彈筆記學英文字首字根字尾》(字覺文化)。 Tanya Ling Bell Raised in Edinburgh, Scotland, my multicultural heritage as a Scottish-Taiwanese inspires my curiosity about how we engage with people, places, and things. With a background in interdisciplinary studies, I believe effective communication is essential for sharing knowledge, generating ideas, and fostering understanding even in the face of differences. Living in Taiwan as an educator and storyteller, my experiences in higher and lower education in public or private institutions have shown me how valuable English is as a tool for self-expression and opportunity to forge meaningful connections. 字覺編輯群 字覺編輯團隊包含三位專業的英語教育工作者及多位師資顧問,致力於開發富有創意且有成效的英語學習資源。字覺編輯群善用ChatGPT做為編輯和校對的有效工具,為讀者規劃更全面、創新的英語學習方案,並創造豐富多元的學習體驗。