向音樂致敬 皮耶.松貢 - 音樂獻禮 /尚-艾弗藍.巴佛傑 鋼琴 / 亞當.沃克 長笛 / 楊.巴斯卡.托特里耶 指揮 / BBC愛樂管弦樂團
作曲家: Pierre-Charles Sancan 演出者: Jean-Efflam Bavouzet (piano) / Adam Walker (flute) 指揮家: Yan Pascal Tortelier 樂團: BBC Philharmonic Orchestra
皮耶.松貢在法國音樂生活中曾經是一位有巨大影響力的人物, 是一位作曲家, 鋼琴家, 老師和指揮家, 但在法國以外則較少為人所知. 1916年出生於法國馬札梅 (Mazamet) - 和杜悌尤同一年生 – 他早期在摩洛哥接受音樂訓練, 然後是在法國土魯斯(Toulouse). 他在1934年進入巴黎國立高等音樂舞蹈學院(Paris Conservatoire)在Jean Gallon指導下學習, 和Charles Munch與Roger Désormière學指揮, 和Yves Nat學鋼琴, 和Henri Busser學作曲. 他在1943年獲得羅馬大獎(Prix de Rome)獎學金, 最後在1956年加入教職員, 在那裏教書一直到1985年退休為止. 他的學生名單念起來就像是一個法國鋼琴家名人錄, 包含米歇爾.貝洛夫.(Michel Béroff), 尚-伯納德.波米耶(Jean-Bernard Pommier), 丹尼爾.瓦薩諾(Daniel Varsano), 賈克.胡維埃(Jacques Rouvier), 尚-菲利浦.柯拉德(Jean-Philippe Collard)和巴佛傑(Jean-Efflam Bavouzet). 指揮楊.巴斯卡.托特里耶(Yan Pascal Tortelier)雖然不是松貢直接教導的學生, 在松貢仍在教書時進入巴黎國立高等音樂舞蹈學院, 在回憶他的影響力時說:"的確是透過他非凡的鋼琴演奏想像力, 但更多的是受到他的魅力和無法抗拒的個性". 這個鋼琴協奏曲, 管弦樂, 鋼琴獨奏和長笛奏鳴曲(亞當.沃克演奏長笛)作品的節目是從鋼琴家和指揮家的一個對松貢的私人致敬, 他們非常希望能藉此有助於提高人們對這位作曲家和他的音樂的認知.
Pierre Sancan was a tremendously influential figure in French musical life, as a composer, pianist, teacher, and conductor, but remains relatively unknown outside France. Born in Mazamet, in 1916 – the same year as Dutilleux – he received his early musical training in Morocco and, later, Toulouse. He entered the Paris Conservatoire in 1934 where he studied with Jean Gallon, conducting with Charles Munch and Roger Desormiere, piano with Yves Nat, and composition with Henri Busser. He won the Prix de Rome in 1943, and eventually joined the staff in 1956, teaching there until his retirement, in 1985. A list of his piano students reads like a who's who of French pianists and includes Michel Beroff, Jean-Bernard Pommier, Daniel Varsano, Jacques Rouvier, Jean-Philippe Collard, and Jean-Efflam Bavouzet. Yan Pascal Tortelier, whilst not a direct student of Sancan, attended the Paris Conservatoire while he taught there, and remembers his influence: 'of course through his extraordinary pianistic imagination but even more so by his physical allure and overwhelming personality'. This programme of the Piano Concerto, orchestral works, works for solo piano, and the flute Sonatine (played by Adam Walker) serves as a personal tribute to Sancan from both pianist and conductor, who very much hope that it will help to raise awareness of this gifted composer and his music.
PIERRE-CHARLES SANCAN 1. Ouverture joyeuse * 5:22 pour orchestre (for Orchestra) Allegro
Concerto *†28:08 pour piano et orchestre (for Piano and Orchestra) A ma femme Line Sancan 2. I Modere - Vif - Revenir au Tempo Modere - Vivo - 14:56 Tempo I - [Candence] - Tempo I - Allegro - [Cadence.] Tempo plus modere (ad libitum) - Vivo - Vivo - 3. II Andante - Tempo plus modere - En ralentissent 6:09 4. III Allegro vivo - Presto - Tempo I - Poco meno mosso - 6:55 Tempo I - Poco tranquillo - Meno vivo - Moderato molto - Allegro - Cadence - Modere - Tempo I
Symphonie * 11:19 pour orchestre a cordes (For String Orchestra) 5. I Allegro vivo. Vivo - [ ] - Tempo I 4:04
6. II Andante. Tres modere - Un peu plus allant - Plus allant 4:05 7. III Final. Presto3 :01
8. Commedia dell''arte * 4:18
Ouverture (Overture) Allegro
Sonatine † ‡ 9:35 pour flûte et piano (for Flute and Piano) A Monsieur Gaston Crunelle professor au Conservatoire National de Paris 9. Moderato - Cedez legerement - Tempo I - Poco ritenuto - 4:03 Tempo I - Cedez legerement [piano ad libitum] - 10. Andante espressivo - Detendez legerement - A tempo - 3:29 Cadence, ad libitum - Prenez progressivement le tempo de l''anime - Tempo anime - 11. Anime 2:02
12. Toccata † 3:01 pour piano (for Piano) A mes chers Parents Vif - Moins vite - Tempo I
13. Caprice romantique † 5:38 pour la main gauche seule (for the Left Hand Alone) pour piano A Madame Vosko-Chaki Tempo rubato (Crotchet = 126 - 144) - Tempo plus modere - Animez et augmentez progressivement - Pressez - Tempo robato (Crotchet = 84 - 104) - Reprendre Tempo I - Tempo plus vite
14. Boîte a musique † 1:56 A Jacques Sancan Tempo de Valse - Ralentissez progessivement a chaque descente harmonique (dans l''esprit du mecanisme qui se deregle lentement... pour s''rreter... et reprendre) - Pressez et revenez au [Tempo I] - Tempo I
15. Mouvement † 3:34 pour piano (for Piano) A mon cher Maître Yves Nat Anime - Tempo (Souple) - Tempo I (Rythme) - [ ] - Tempo I - [ ] - Tempo I - Pressez Total time: 72:33 |