【电子杂志】常春藤解析英語 03月號/2023 第416期
E220263504000101 |
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NT70 |
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RM10.85 |
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出版日期 |
2023-02-28 |
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The Joys of Camping, However You Do It
※點選附件zip檔,下載朗讀/講解MP3 ※點選附件zip檔,下載朗讀/講解MP3
The Joys of Camping, However You Do It
Can You Escape?
The Ground Comes Alive for Smartphone Addicts
The Benefits of a Security Blanket
小被被 就是要它陪睡
This month’s issue of Analytical English is full of engaging articles you will surely enjoy. For example, “Can You Escape?” looks at a fun activity that is growing in popularity all around the world. After reading, you are sure to want to give it a try. “Yellowstone: America’s First National Park” describes one of America’s most iconic places. Nature lovers will be fascinated by it. Another good article for those interested in the great outdoors is “The Joys of Camping, However You Do It,” which lists many different ways to go camping. If you are someone interested in learning about cute animals, then “The Giant Panda: A Bear Like No Other” is the perfect article for you. Reading it will teach you everything there is to know about pandas. “The Evolution of the Cinema: How Has It Changed?” is a great article for anyone interested in discovering how the movie industry has grown and the drastic changes that are taking place right now. These are just a few of the fantastic articles in the March issue of Analytical English. 目錄列表:常春藤解析英語 03月號/2023 第416期 封面 目錄 廣播時刻表 焦點新聞 別亂丟!廢棄藥物的正確丟棄法 詞彙測驗 無空氣輪胎 讓你不再擔心爆胎! 密室逃脫:挑戰你的極限 一天一顆蛋 醫生不用看 2022年:五十多億支手機成為垃圾 瑞士創世界最長火車紀錄! 網路購物 安能辨真假? 小被被 就是要它陪睡 AI再記一功!協尋大屠殺受難者 美國史上第一座國家公園── 黃石國家公園 全球人口突破80億 「熊」古錐的貓熊 解析文法:連接詞 為低頭族而生的地面紅綠燈 翻譯 你不可不知的電影院演進史 行人低頭族 危機四伏! 露營的樂趣,怎麼做都開心! 英國百年君主制 伊莉莎白女王不凡的一生 我完全不懂 解析文法:關係詞 實力測驗 背誦卡
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