Preface. Chapter 1: Geometry in Regions of a Space. Basic Concepts. Chapter 2: The Theory of Surfaces. Chapter 3: Tensors: The Algebraic Theory. Chapter 4: The Differential Calculus of Tensors. Chapter 5: The Elements of the Calculus of Variations. Chapter 6: The Calculus of Variations in Several Dimensions. Fields and Their Geometric Invariants. Bibliography. Chapter 1: Geometry in Regions of a Space. Basic Concepts. Chapter 2: The Theory of Surfaces. Chapter 3: Tensors: The Algebraic Theory. Chapter 4: The Differential Calculus of Tensors. Chapter 5: The Elements of the Calculus of Variations. Chapter 6: The Calculus of Variations in Several Dimensions. Fields and Their Geometric Invariants. Bibliography.
伯里斯·杜布羅文(B. A. Dubrovin)、阿納托利·福緬科(A. T. Fomenko)和謝爾蓋·諾維科夫(S. P. Novikov)都是蘇聯/俄羅斯著名數學家,三位數學家都畢業于莫斯科大學,並在莫斯科大學任教。杜布羅文在蘇聯解體後去了義大利國際高等研究院任教,在他2019年去世後,義大利國際高等研究院在莫斯科數學會等組織的支援下設立了杜布羅文獎章,授予那些在數學物理和幾何領域做出突出貢獻的青年數學家,每兩年頒獎一次。福緬科和諾維科夫都是俄羅斯科學院院士,福緬科獲得過1996年俄羅斯聯邦國家獎,諾維科夫獲得過1970年菲爾茲獎和2005年沃爾夫獎。