三姐縱橫飲食界多年,既是香港唯一獲廚皇稱號的粵菜女廚,也是一位人氣很高的電視烹飪節目主持人,擅長將創意融入傳統菜式,並以急智而馳名。 在本書裏,三姐重新加添五個大廚級的家常菜食譜,以及入廚小秘笈等等,以味道層次豐富和家庭易於操作為重心,精心製作共50款創意小菜,仔細分享步驟和心得,即使從未下廚的朋友,也能馬上學到幾道拿手的菜式;有經驗的朋友更會發掘到提昇烹飪技巧的竅門,煮出更出色的菜餚,與至愛親朋共享美食。
推薦序 Preface 張宇人 安德尊 林綺嫻 自序 Foreword *三姐入廚秘笈,助你輕鬆炮製美味佳餚 Kitty’s secret tips *三姐特色大廚家常菜 Kitty’s secret recipes 鮑汁雲耳燜釀豆腐 Stuffed tofu with canned abalone 櫻花蝦瑤柱炒芽菜 Stir-fried bean sprouts with sakura shrimps and dried scallops 魚香有味煲仔飯 Clay-pot rice with dried octopus 芝麻脆皮雞翼 Sesame-crusted crispy chicken wings 合掌瓜蠔油燜魚雲 Braised fish head with chayote in oyster sauce 海鮮Seafood 海皇蛋白豆腐 Steamed tofu egg white custard with assorted seafood 香辣腐乳蝦 Spicy prawns with fermented beancurd sauce 脆皮鮑魚 Deep-fried abalones in peppered salt 鮮蜆肉炒馬尾粉絲 Stir-fried mung bean vermicelli with clams 白瓜年糕燜蟹 Braised crab with melon and glutinous rice cake 鮮淮山帶子炒蛋 Scrambled egg with fresh yam and scallops 話梅咕嚕蝦 Sweet and sour prawns in liquorice plum sauce 津白雲吞海鮮鍋 Seafood casserole with Napa cabbage and wontons 豉椒豬肚炒蟶子煎脆米 Razor clams and pork tripe in black bean sauce over fried rice noodles 炒桂花瑤柱(QR code) Scrambled egg with dried scallop, crabmeat and bean sprouts 椒鹽三式圏 Deep-fried squid and veggie rings in peppered salt 鹹骨海鮮冬瓜船 Steamed seafood and salted pork bones in winter melon boat 火鴨絲梅子蝦 Fried prawns and shredded roast duck in plum sauce 特色小炒王 Assorted stir-fry with dried and fresh seafood 魚類Fish 鴛鴦蘿蔔燜魚天翅 Braised fish fin with fresh and salted radish 梅子半煎煮黃花 Braised yellow croaker in lemon plum sauce 薑葱燜魚卜魚雲 Braised fish head and swim bladders with ginger and spring onion 脆燜斑頭腩 Braised grouper head and belly 吊燒脆鱔(QR code) Fried crispy eel 橙汁香芒炒鱔球 Stir-fried eel in orange mango sauce 海參魚蓉粥 Sea cucumber and fish fillet congee 粟米金銀魚燴飯 Grouper fillet and salted fish fried rice in sweet corn sauce 肉類Meat 脆骨蒸肉餅 Steamed pork patty with diced pig ear 蜜桃咖啡肉排 Coffee-scented pork ribs with peaches 欖菜豆豉骨 Pork ribs with pickled olive mustard greens and black bean sauce 酸汁凍牛月展伴青瓜 Beef shin cold appetizer with cucumber in Sichuan vinaigrette 香葱肉丸蛋中蛋 Scrambled egg with pork balls, egg white omelette and spring onion 番薯咖喱牛腩 Beef brisket curry with sweet potato 芥蘭頭年糕牛柳粒 Seared beef tenderloin cubes with kohlrabi and glutinous rice cake 蜜汁欖角骨 Pork spareribs in honey olive sauce 涼瓜酸薑炒牛柳 Stir-fried beef tenderloin with bitter melon and pickled ginger 家禽Poultry 薑葱蜆蚧雞煲 Chicken casserole with ginger, spring onion and fermented clams 檸檬冬蔭雞翼 Tom Yum lemon chicken wings 芝麻乳鴿 Roast sesame squabs 菜蔬Vegetable 鯪魚肉韭菜煎藕餅 Minced dace patty with chives and lotus root 煎釀秋葵 Pan-fried stuffed okras XO醬肉碎炒花生芽 Stir-fried peanut sprouts with ground pork in XO sauce 薑茸蒸勝瓜腐皮卷 Steamed beancurd skin roll and angled luffa with ginger and garlic 尊貴素薑醋 Assorted vegetables with ginger in sweet vinegar 鍋貼小棠菜 Deep-fried minced cuttlefish patty with Shanghainese Bok Choy 銀魚乾魚香蒸茄子 Steamed eggplant with dried anchovies and chilli black bean sauce 雜菇蛋包年糕 Assorted mushroom and rice cake omelette 蜆肉薯蓉餅 Potato clam croquettes 雪菜金菇煎豆腐 Pan-fried tofu with Xue Cai and enokitake mushrooms 袋袋平安 Beancurd skin beggar’s purse
作者簡介 蕭秀香(三姐) 香港粵菜女名廚、電視飲食節目主持人。 2005年參加「食神爭霸戰」,憑藉一道「蓮綺飄香」勇奪金獎及最具創意獎。2007年獲法國國際廚皇美食會頒發藍帶白金五星獎,兼入選中國飯店名人百福榜。現時為香港餐務管理協會副會長、世界粵菜廚皇協會會員、世界中餐名廚交流協會顧問。 三姐秉持「傳統有創新,創新不忘本」的理念烹製和創作菜餚。除經營飯店外,還在多家電視台主持飲食節目,包括《流行都市》、《都市閒情》、《家家樂融融》、《師奶我最大》、《煮東煮西》等,廣受歡迎。2019年的《大廚小菜》及2020年的《女人必學100道菜》深受讀者喜愛,銷量不錯。 她在將軍澳開設的食肆在城中頗有名,更是很多藝人的飯堂,食客更遠至國內。