【电子杂志】常春藤解析英語 08月號/2022 第409期
E220239887000101 |
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NT70 |
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RM10.85 |
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出版日期 |
2022-07-31 |
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未來遊樂園 & 與花共生的動物們
teamLab: Future Park & Animals of Flowers, Symbiotic Lives teamLab
※點選附件zip檔,下載朗讀/講解MP3 ※點選附件zip檔,下載朗讀/講解MP3
teamLab: Future Park & Animals of Flowers, Symbiotic Lives
teamLab 未來遊樂園 & 與花共生的動物們
Comfort Town: Ukraine's City of Color
宛如樂高建構的世界 基輔彩虹積木之城
A Day to Celebrate Your Furry Friends
August is here, and that means most people are probably out enjoying the sun or going on summer adventures. Before heading to the beach, why not learn about protecting your skin with sunscreen? “Sunscreen: Your First Line of Defense against the Sun” contains helpful information about this important product. Before taking a dip in the ocean, check out “Fun and Fascinating Facts about Sharks” to discover this amazing yet misunderstood sea creature. If you're interested in learning about a fun August holiday, then “A day to Celebrate Your Furry Friends” is for you. This article details two special holidays devoted to our beloved pet cats and dogs. Maybe you are planning a trip abroad this month. For anyone traveling to Paris, “The Louvre: More than a Museum” is a must-read. It delves into the history of one of the world's most famous museums. Another great article covering art is “Vegan Violins.” It details changes to the centuries-old violin-making process. These are just a few of the great articles you will find in the August issue of Analytical English. 目錄列表:常春藤解析英語 08月號/2022 第409期 封面 目錄 焦點話題 新聞寫作(一)標題 概述 不使用動物製品!全球第一把純素小提琴 防晒乳:抗晒的第一道防線 傑克森成為美國首位非裔女性大法官 沒寫完不能走!東京趕稿咖啡廳 詞彙測驗 貓狗寶貝大節日! 枕頭大戰也有錦標賽? 皇家私藏藝術所羅浮宮,搖身一變成為公眾博物館 有錢就是任性!全球首富馬斯克收購推特 「啪」還是「不啪」?頗費深思 你所不知的鯊魚二三事 棒棒糖:只融你口不融你手 旗海飄揚:一塊布引領出人民共識 「啪」還是「不啪」?頗費深思 曲終人散 垃圾不散 宛如樂高建構的世界 基輔彩虹積木之城 解析文法:不定詞 「 荷蘭病」診斷書 翻譯 梳子文化源遠流長 便民智慧新體驗 自助服務機好方便? 以白紙黑字寫下 解析文法:分詞 實力測驗 背誦卡
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