Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction
1. Cross-Regional Connections in Eurasia
2. Reconstructing the History of Trade
Chapter 2 Origin and Spread of Buddhism
1. Urbanization and Mercantile Activities in the Buddha’s Time
2. Monsoon and Its Impact on the Sangha Community
3. Relics and Stupa Veneration after the Buddha’s Nirvana
4. Beyond the Boundaries of Indian Peninsula
5. Buddhist Expansion in a Great Circle
Chapter 3 The Great Circle of Buddhism and Its Rim
1. Traces of Maritime Commerce and Buddhism
2. Maritime Trade as an Essential Support for Buddhist Transmission
3. Formation of Cities and Buddhist Communities
4. Buddhist Teachings and Pilgrimages along The Great Circle
Chapter 4 Buddhism along the Sea Routes
1. Early Buddhism
2. Mahayana
3. Tantra
4. Reformed (Theravada)
Chapter 5 Conclusion
1. Buddhist Expansion in a Mandala-like Structure
2. Spread of Buddhism in East Asia: Developing New Routes
List of Illustrations
Illustration Credits
Index |