9787111698883 |
定价 |
RMB49.80 |
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RM54.80 |
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RM41.10 * (-25%)
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出版日期 |
2022-02-01 |
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平裝. 單色印刷. 112 页. 21. |
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1.起床歌?Wake up, rise and shine 1
2.穿衣歌?Let's get dressed 3
3.噓噓歌?Honey do you want to pee
4.刷牙歌?Brush your teeth !7
5.開飯歌?Let's have breakfast 9
6.道別歌?Daddy's going to work. 11
7.麻麻回來啦?Mommy's back 13
8.看電視嘍?Let's watch TV 15
9.整理玩具歌?Tidy up the toys 17
10.洗澡歌?Let's take a bath 19
11.我喜歡聽故事?I love story time 2
12.哄睡歌?It's time to sleep 23
13.我的五官?My facial features 25
14.數水果?Count fruits 27
15.你能做什麼??What can you do? 29
16.水果的顏色和味道?The colors and taste of fruits
17.形狀歌?Shape song 33
18.交通工具歌?Song for Transportations 35
19.傢俱歌?Furniture song 37
20.你喜歡做什麼??What do you like doing? 39
21.天氣之歌?Weather song 41
22.星期之歌?Song of the week 43
23.位置歌?Location song 45
24.大小長短?Size song 47
25.穿鞋歌?Let's put on your sneakers 49
26.坐電梯?Take the elevator 51
27.乘公車和火車?By bus and train 53
28.在餐廳?In the restaurant 55
29.逛超市?Go to the supermarket 57
30.去購物?Go Shopping 59 |