「我們希望透過食譜,將爸爸的拿手好菜,一代一代地傳承下去。」 汪詩詩及汪圓圓從小受到爸媽的寵愛,將滿滿的愛透過美食傳遞給姊妹倆。 現在,母女三人不時回憶起爸爸那份對烹飪的熱情,以及相處的點點滴滴, 爸爸彷彿一直陪伴着她們。 她們將這份思念融入本書的每個食譜,重新煮出爸爸自家的味道來,希望藉着美食傳遞爸爸的愛意,讓大家都能感受到與家人分享美食的幸福時光。
序Preface 出版緣起 In the Book Chapter 1童年回憶Childhood Memories 陽光、沙灘與歡樂的童年 A childhood filled with happiness, sunshine and beaches 秘魯炒牛肉Stir-fried Beef with Fries in Peruvian Style (Lomo Saltado) 秘魯燉雞肉Peruvian Braised Chicken (Chicken Estofado) 雞肉飯配秘魯洋葱沙律Green Rice with Chicken with Onion Salad (Arroz con Pollo with Salsa de Cebolla) 紅腰豆炒豬肉Braised Pork with Kidney Benas (Frijoles Rojos con Carine de Puerco) 秘魯燉牛肉Peruvian Cilantro Beef Stew (Seco de Carne) 魚湯Peruvian Whole Fish Stew (Fish Sudado) 芝士焗扇貝Baked Scallops with Parmesan Scallops (Conchitas a la Parmesana) 番茄炒牛肉Stir-fried Beef with Tomatoes 鹹蛋蒸肉餅Steamed Pork Patty with Salty Egg 上海菜飯Shanghai Vegetable Rice 青口配莎莎醬Mussels with Salsa Chapter 2經典滋味Traditional Classics 我的完美爸爸 Our perfect dad 醉雞Drunken Chicken 燜牛腱麵伴汪氏醬汁Beef Shank Noodle with Wang’s Sauce 魚頭粉皮煲Claypot Fish Head with Greenbean Noodles 上海燻魚Shanghainese Smoked Fish 上海炒年糕Shanghainese Stir-fried Rice Cakes 汪媽媽餛飩Mrs Wang’s Famous Wontons 上海烤麩Shanghai Kaofu (Gluten with Peanuts and Black Fungus) Chapter 3汪氏至愛Wang’s Favourite 生命中的第一位 The most precious of all 檸汁醃魚生Fresh Raw Fish in Citrus Juice (Ceviche) 吞拿魚三文治Spanish-style Tuna Sandwich (Tuna Bocadillo) 紅燒滷肉蛋Braised Pork Belly with Eggs In Brown Sauce 港式煲仔飯Hong Kong Style Claypot Rice 龍蝦湯Lobster Bisque 茄汁大蝦Fried Prawns in Tomato Relish 粟米肉粒Sweet Corn with Minced Pork 藍莓鬆餅Blueberry Muffins 橙香甘筍核桃蛋糕Orange Carrot Walnut Cake Chapter 4親朋歡聚Gathering with Friends 歡笑共聚的美好時光The priceless nature of quality time together 秘魯雞肉薯蓉千層Peruvian Causa with Chicken 汪媽媽炸素春卷Mrs Wang’s Vegetarian Spring Rolls 紅酒燉牛尾Braised Oxtail in Red Wine Sauce 牛肉炒烏冬Stir-fried Beef Udon 粉絲蟹煲Claypot Crab with Vermicelli 焗豬扒飯Baked Pork Chop Rice 鮮蘑菇湯(無忌廉)Fresh Mushroom Soup (Without Cream) 海苔拌花生Pan Roasted Seaweed Crisps with Peanuts Chapter 5健康之選Healthy Choices 汪媽媽的美麗人生 The wellness philosophy of Mrs. Wang 南瓜蒸排⻣Steamed Ribs with Pumpkins 椰菜花炒豬肉片Braised Cauliflower with Sliced Pork 豆腐蒸三文魚Steamed Salmon with Tofu 焗番茄洋葱馬友魚Baked Threadfin Fish with Tomato and Onion 蒜蓉蒸茄子Steamed Eggplant with Garlic 涼拌皮蛋豆腐Chilled Tofu with Century Egg 三色蛋Steamed Trio Eggs 紅燒豆腐Braised Tofu In Brown Sugar 相片集:與汪爸爸的美好回憶 Photo album: Memories with Mr. Wang 萬分感激! Thank you!