此閱讀教材培養學生思考能力,融合了聽說讀寫、文法和字彙訓練,單字與文法句型根據不同的程度,能有效提升學生學習信心並提升成效,課本中有多益題型的練習,讓學生能熟悉多益出題模式。 ●Integrated Skill Building Reading,listening, speaking, grammar, writing, and vocabulary skills are strengthened in every unit. ●Controlled Language Level Vocabulary,grammar, and sentence structures are carefully graded to boost confidence and speed up student improvement. ●TOEIC Preparation Several exercises are similar to those found on the TOEIC, helping students prepare for the test. ●Audio CD On the enclosed audio CD, students can listen to every Reading Passage, Listening Exercise, and Listening Activity. ●Also Available: Teacher’s Manual:includes Answer Key,Listening Transcript, and Test Bank. Test Bank on Data CD:The Teacher’s Manual comes with a Data CD. It includes the data files for every unit’s Test Bank. Teachers can customize, print, and send the files to students via e-mail.
1. Millennials 2. Green Profits 3. Well-Loved Pets 4. Italy’s Fashion Kings 5. Viral Marketing 6. TED Talks 7. The Gossip Media 8. Replanting the World’s Forests 9. Adventure Tourism 10. The Cannes Film Festival 11. Giving Away Billions 12. Computer Actors 13. New York City 14. Fresh Water: A Growing Crisis 15. Exporting Culture 16. Aging Populations 17. The Power of YouTube 18. Sotheby’s 19. Yoga 20. Crime Fighting Scientists
作者簡介 白安竹 (Andrew E. Bennett) 擁有哈佛大學教育學碩士及加州大學聖塔克魯斯分校學士學位,通曉七國語言,曾遊歷五十餘國。 1993年至今,一直致力於英語教學,他所著作的英語學習書籍已經超過50本,擅長撰寫英語教科書、自學教材、考試用書等各類英語學習書。除了寫作與教學,他也定期參加ESL會議。