作者序Preface 1 作者序Preface 2 畫說威皓 Wei-Hao’s Painting Collection 美麗心世界 A Real Brave New World
作者簡介 曾威皓 Wei-Hao Tseng 出生於1996年,台灣新竹人,2005年國小三年級考進新竹縣美術資優班,國小五年級以畫作「理髮廳」獲得新竹縣美術班組比賽第一名。未料,國小畢業時因腦瘤住院治療,經過八年復健,才重新練習畫畫、寫詩、書法,2016年高中畢業,成立阿Q工作室創作詩、畫,經半年幸蒙吳芸嫻副教授青睞,執筆為威皓詩畫寫簡介故事,又經半年由 留學德國攻讀碩士的許以臻小姐為威皓作品進行英譯,陳鳴弦老師協助審稿。 Wei-Hao was born in Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 1996. In 2005, in the third grade, he was admitted to Hsinchu County gi¬ed art class. With the painting “Barbarshop,“ he won the rst prize in a county art contest. Unexpectedly, just before his elementary school graduation, he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. A¬er eight years of recuperation, he started again to practice painting, composing poems and writing calligraphy. In 2016, Wei Hao graduated from high school and opened “Studio Ah-Q” at home, dedicated to the creation of poetry and painting. His works touched Professor Yun-Hsien Wu so much that she decided to write down the stories behind the works. Thanks to Ms. Yi-Chen Hsu’s translation and Mr. Matthew Chen’s proofreading, the book can be presented here today. 吳芸嫻 Yun-Hsien Wu 明新科技大學專任副教授。 Associate professer, Ming-hsin University of Science and Technology